Had been planning to watch Agora (a movie on the 4th century lady philosopher/scientist Hypatia)..and here it was on the menu!
the movie is ok..as a film its not all that great...but the movie somehow managed to bring all the pain of history out..how religions had been twisted by people for power....and how religion had killed science over and over and over again...
The movie shows Hypatia making the mental leap of explaining the difference in Sun's size by using elliptical orbit(instead of circular) for the Earth in the heliocentric model. Before she has a chance to discuss it..she is killed by fanatic Christians...you can see her looking at the elliptical opening in the ceiling as life goes out of her...and that just broke the dam....
As a history and science student - it touched two raw nerves..at how mankind has regressed over the last two centuries, and religion has taken over people's lives.
Is there hope for mankind while we still let people manipulate us with religion?